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How to cook with coconut oil? Learn more about the virtues of this ingredient!

Coconut oil is a vegetal oil that is currently used by many people for different purposes. Among the most popular uses of this oil in recent years is a great craze for cooking and baking with coconut oil.
Even the top chefs of famous restaurants do not hesitate to use coconut oil to concoct new recipes and enhance their delicious dishes.
The reason why coconut oil is so popular is that it has many advantages in terms of taste and composition.
Where does coconut oil come from?
Coconut oil comes from the fruit of the coconut palm, a member of the palm family.
It is found everywhere in the Caribbean, in Martinique, it grows on the beaches and even on the roads, but those that are most often found on the shelves come from Africa.
Coconut oil is made from the coconut pulp, the white part called copra.
In its solid state, it has a white color and a delicious coconut scent.
What is the difference between coconut oil and copra oil?
Coconut oil can be found under the name of coconut oil. They are both identical.
Most often in processed products, you will see coconut oil appear in the list of ingredients under the name of coconut oil or copra oil.
The benefits of coconut oil
- Since coconut oil is a saturated fat, the controversial question always arises: what is its benefit to your body? In today’s modern world, there is reason to be concerned about your health, and rightly so. Many professors have done research on this issue. Almost all studies prove that the saturated fats in coconut oil are not bad for your health.
- These saturated fats are lauric acid, which has the property of reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. This lauric acid is the main saturated fat found in breast milk.
- Coconut oil can easily be used in cooking and baking. So, with coconut oil, you can easily make good ovenable cakes or even cook with it on the stove.
- Vegetable coconut oil is therefore a very good substitute for butter which are animal fats that tend to bring bad cholesterol.
- To enhance the flavor of the food you prepare, coconut oil is a rather exotic ingredient that awakens our taste buds. It transforms even the most ordinary dish into a very appetizing meal with a strong natural taste.
- Coconut oil can be used in both savory and sweet recipes.
- Coconut oil can also contribute to weight loss. It has been introduced into diets to improve ketosis in epileptic patients.
Which coconut oil to buy for cooking?
First of all, we advise you to buy a first cold-pressed unrefined and non-hydrogenated coconut oil which means that it will be free of trans fatty acids.
According to the report of the Afssa (French agency for food health) in 2005, studies have shown that an excessive consumption of trans fatty acids increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
These trans fatty acids can of course also be found in the composition of products other than coconut oil.
You can find it in organic stores, sold in jars. You can find deodorized coconut oil for those who do not like the taste.
Tips for cooking with coconut oil
Edible coconut oil can be used for cooking or baking. Below are some tips for cooking with this vegetable oil.
Knowing how to cook with coconut oil also applies to preparing desserts. Coconut oil has the particularity to harden at a temperature below 77°F. It hardens very quickly, which allows the dessert to be more stable and presentable.
Conversely, above a temperature of degrees, coconut oil becomes liquid.
It is also excellent for pan-frying.
Coconut oil is best used for sautéing chicken, meat or fish.
However, you must be careful not to heat it up too much, prefer a medium heat and watch the cooking.
Coconut oil cannot exceed a temperature of 284°F . After this temperature, the oil smokes, it is said that the oil reaches its smoke point at 248°F. The fumes are toxic to health.
Coconut oil can add a fantastic touch to any dressing or sauce.
Be prepared to receive praise from your friends and family if you cook them a dish made with coconut. Using this oil brings a whole new flavor to any dish you make, no matter how simple.
If, however, you want to use this vegetable oil without necessarily having the strong coconut taste, there is coconut oil without the smell.
You can cook with normal or deodorized coconut oil.
Use coconut oil for other purposes than cooking
Coconut oil has many virtues in terms of body care and beauty. It is an excellent ingredient in cosmetics. Some use it for skin, nails, hair because of its saturated fats which are called lauric acid.
Lauric acid has anti-microbial properties, it is used in the composition of face or body cream but also the manufacture of toothpaste because it also has the property to whiten teeth.
This vegetable oil can be used as a hair mask in the same way as shea butter. Coconut oil also promotes hair growth.
Coconut oil is effective if you have sunburned and have nothing else on hand, you can apply it directly to your skin to relieve yourself. The results are quick and effective.
How long can you keep coconut oil?
You can use the coconut oil for a period of 12 months after opening without the need to keep it especially in the refrigerator.
Coconut oil has a best before date like all oils, but this does not mean that after this date, the product cannot be consumed if it has never been opened. This indicates that the product is likely to deteriorate with time.
The texture of the oil will vary depending on where it is stored.
- If the oil is stored in a refrigerator, it will have a solid texture.
- If the oil is stored at room temperature, it will have a much softer gelatinous texture.
On the other hand, if it is stored in a pantry or closet where the temperature tends to rise, you will find that the oil remains in liquid form. The type of storage does not determine how long the coconut oil will be consumed. The choice of storage only affects the texture of the oil.
Can you make homemade coconut oil?
Of course you can make your own edible coconut oil.
Here is a recipe for quick and easy homemade coconut oil:
- Hot water
- 1 coconut
- Steps to follow
Preparation Method :
- First, open the coconut to recover the white flesh.
- Once the flesh is recovered, simply blend it and add hot water while blending to obtain the coconut milk.
- Once the coconut milk is made, pour it into an airtight rectangular container so that the milk is well spread out. Store in the refrigerator overnight.
- Retrieve the airtight container from the refrigerator and when you open it, you will get a white layer that has solidified on top.
- Remove the thick white layer and heat it over low heat until a translucent liquid appears.
- Strain the mixture and your coconut oil is ready.
- Don’t forget to sterilize your container before filling it with oil. The oil can be stored at room temperature easily for up to a year.
How to make butter with coconut oil?
Here are a few easy steps to make your own homemade vegetable butter as a substitute for butter that contains animal fats. A recipe that we particularly like at cuisinermaison.
- 100 gr cashew nuts
- 100 gr deodorized coconut oil
- 70 ml of water
- ½ tsp of salt
- a pinch of turmeric
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
- Steps to follow
Preparation Method :
- Soften the cashews in a bowl of warm water for one hour.
- Melt the coconut oil in a bowl in the microwave
- Blend the cashews, add the melted coconut oil, then the water and finally the salt and turmeric which will bring the color to your butter.
- Blend everything together and pour into a small airtight jar.
- Just put the jar in the refrigerator overnight. Your butter is ready to eat!
The health effects of coconut oil
Using too much of a product as a rule can be harmful. Due to the increased consumption of coconut oil in the home, there have been several studies on the benefits and drawbacks of this substance. Here is the summary:
- Advantages
- It increases the good cholesterol thanks to its saturated fats rich in lauric acid.
- It stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels by facilitating better absorption of sugar and reducing its concentration in the blood.
- It is a natural antioxidant and antibacterial.
- It stimulates thyroid function, increasing energy levels.
- It improves hair and skin health.
- Coconut oil can cause allergies.
- It can cause diarrhea in some people
- Excessive consumption can cause an increase in bad cholesterol
Coconut oil is a very versatile product to have in your cupboard. You will be able to use it for many purposes in cooking as well as for care and beauty recipes. Coconut oil loaded with lauric acid is beneficial to your health.
You can cook good dishes with this spicy coconut flavor or for certain preparations use deodorized coconut oil if you wish.
If you are looking for a healthy alternative to butter, this is the one for you. It is highly recommended as part of a ketogenic lifestyle. However, excessive consumption can reverse its health benefits. It’s like all good things, you can’t overdo it!
We recommend our recipe for homemade butter, which is excellent for eating radishes from the garden or spreading butter on your breakfast sandwiches!
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